Why you should vaccinate your dogs

Why you should vaccinate your dogs

In Geelong and Victoria, responsible dog ownership means prioritising vaccination to protect our furry mates from a range of infectious diseases. Core vaccines form the foundation of this protection, recommended for all dogs to combat prevalent and potentially lethal viruses and bacteria. These core vaccines include:

  • Canine Parvovirus (CPV): This highly contagious virus can lead to severe gastrointestinal distress, dehydration, and sadly, fatalities, particularly among vulnerable puppies.
  • Canine Distemper Virus (CDV): Distemper is a serious, often fatal disease affecting multiple bodily systems, manifesting in symptoms like fever, coughing, and neurological issues.
  • Canine Infectious Hepatitis (CIH): Targeting vital organs like the liver and kidneys, CIH presents with symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and jaundice, posing a significant health risk to dogs.

In addition to core vaccines, non-core vaccines are recommended based on individual factors such as a dog’s lifestyle, environment, and potential exposure risks. These may include vaccinations against Kennel Cough (Bordetella bronchiseptica) and Leptospirosis.

Vaccines operate by stimulating the dog’s immune system to recognise and combat potential threats without causing illness. They contain weakened or inactivated forms of infectious agents or specific components thereof. While vaccines substantially decrease the risk of infection, they do not offer foolproof protection. Thus, it’s vital to minimise exposure to infectious agents even after vaccination.

Your veterinarian in Geelong plays a pivotal role in crafting a tailored vaccination plan suited to your dog’s unique requirements. By considering factors like age, health status, lifestyle, and local disease prevalence, your vet ensures your dog receives optimal protection while minimising unnecessary vaccinations. Open communication with your vet is key, fostering a partnership dedicated to promoting your dog’s overall health and well-being.

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