Cat Vaccinations

Health Care

Cat Vaccinations in Geelong

Vaccinating your cat is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure they lead a healthy and happy life. Your cat’s health, lifestyle, and even the specific area you live in can influence which vaccinations are essential. Our expert vets will collaborate with you to create a tailored and effective vaccination program to keep your cat protected.

Why you should vaccinate your Cat

Prevent Diseases

Vaccinations protect against preventable diseases

Peace of Mind

Vaccinations protect your cat from transmissible diseases in boarding facilities, outdoors and even when they visit the vet. If your cat has to be hospitalised for any illness, their immune system may already be compromised so you want to make sure they are protected.

Cost Effective

Vaccinations are substantially less expensive than the cost of vet treatment for the diseases they protect against

Vaccinating your Cat

A cat’s first vaccinations are typically given at 6-8 weeks, followed by boosters at 12-14 weeks and 16-18 weeks. After that, your cat should receive annual booster vaccinations to maintain immunity. It is recommended to keep your kitten indoors until one week after their final kitten vaccination to ensure they are fully protected before exploring outside or interacting with other cats. Feline vaccinations are commonly referred to as F3, F4, and F5, which protect against the following diseases:

A highly contagious and often fatal viral disease.

Causes feline viral rhinotracheitis, a severe respiratory infection.

Another cause of respiratory infections and oral ulcers.

A bacterial infection causing conjunctivitis and respiratory issues.

A viral infection that can suppress the immune system and lead to cancer. Recommended for cats with outdoor access or those at risk of close contact with other cats.

Where Can I Get Cat Shots Near Me in Geelong?

At Vets Of Geelong, we offer a comprehensive range of veterinary services to help you give your pet a long, happy and healthy life, and we are passionate about preventative care because there is no need to put your animal at risk of disease when there are preventative measures you can take. Cat vaccinations, often referred to as ‘shots for cats’ are an important part of any preventative healthcare plan in order to give your feline friend protection against all the nasty diseases that they may get exposed to when they go outside.

Cats are curious creatures, and they love to explore, they love to hunt and some of them love to fight. When they go outside, they can meet other cats, who may or may not be vaccinated, and who have the potential of spreading disease, and that’s where a cat vaccination schedule comes in. Read More

What Diseases Do We Vaccinate Against?

Cat flu is a nasty upper respiratory disease that is highly infectious and can affect cats of all ages and breeds. Cats can become infected with the virus through direct contact with an infected cat, or through contact with contaminated items such as food bowls or bedding. The two most common viruses that cause cat flu are feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus, and we have shots for cats in Geelong against these diseases. Cat enteritis, or feline panleukopenia virus, is a severe gastrointestinal disease that can cause bloody vomiting and diarrhoea, severe dehydration and in some cases rapid death. It is highly contagious, is spread by either direct or indirect contact, and the virus can persist in the environment for many months if left unactivated by an effective disinfectant. Kittens are most severely affected by this virus so getting a kitten injection is very important.

Where To Find Cat Shots Near Me

We have three branches of Vets Of Geelong, at Highton, Geelong West and Lara, and you will find the same high standards at each of them. Our experienced vets can advise you on your kitten vaccination schedule, at what age to begin and how many kitten injections your pet may need. This will depend on the area you live, the lifestyle of your pet and the risk of exposure to infectious diseases – we also offer vaccines against Chlamydophila felis and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) if we feel it is necessary for your cat. It is important to remember that just like in humans, pet vaccinations are not a guarantee against catching the disease, but if your cat is vaccinated then their immune system is primed to better fight the symptoms should they be exposed to the virus. There is no known cure for these diseases, the treatments only help relieve the symptoms while the body’s immune system is fighting off the virus, so it is important to get shots for cats in Geelong to boost their immune systems and minimize the symptoms these viruses cause. Read Less
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